The CCN Virtual EPC Solution
Cirrus Core Networks’ virtual Evolved Packet Core (vEPC) offering provides Communication Service Providers (CSP) with a carrier-class virtualized solution that is quick to market, remarkably flexible and future proof. The vEPC is a complete LTE packet core solution based on network functions virtualization (NFV) technology. This consolidated solution is comprised of 3GPP-compliant MME/SGSN, SGW, PGW/GGSN, PCRF and HSS virtual network functions (VNF). These functions are no longer tied to vendor proprietary hardware and instead are virtualized on Commercial-Off-TheShelf (COTS) x86 servers.
The features and functionality delivered with this solution are:
- High reliability
- Through geo-resiliency, session retention, overload controls, N-way redundancy and online service upgrades
- Extensive support for networking and protocols
- With support for both IPv4 and IPv6
- Online and Offline Charging
- Mobility management for handoffs
- Integrated packet inspection for delivering QoS
- Traffic management
- Growing number of services that can be customized through workflows with drag & drop service chaining
- Video adaptation
- Content filtering
- HTTP proxy
- TCP optimization and caching
- Numerous security features
- Including dynamic parental control and Internet Watch Foundation filtering
- VNF management and typical FCAP support
vEPC Deployment Options
Implementing a virtualized EPC solution will reduce time to market and hardware costs while increasing scalability and speed of new service introduction. The various vEPC deployment scenarios can have a major positive impact on operator costs, network reliability and customer quality of experience. The following scenarios illustrate these benefits.
LBO Gateways: Providing service to the edges of your network or outside your network can be costly when traffic is home routed. Deploying local gateways to do local breakout will reduce the transport costs while eliminating the resulting latency and its impact on your customers’ quality of experience. CCN can not only deploy local gateways but also manage them for you.
Geo-redundancy: If the type of service you provide requires extreme reliability then duplicating your core network and providing geographic redundancy would be the way to go. In a virtualized environment this is much more feasible due to the dramatic difference in costs compared to legacy networks. CCN can build and manage a georedundant pair of core networks.
CCN Data Center: Utilizing the CCN data center is ideal for a business focused on minimizing capital expenditures while still providing exceptional customer service. CCN would deploy and manage the core network and offer a truly scalable solution based on consumption economics.
We’ll build and manage your network … while you build and manage your business